Author: Stephen Crawford

Bob Beckel Jumps the Shark

On Fox, April 9, 2014, The Five were discussing Lois Lerner and the use of the IRS against Democratic political opponents, when Bob Beckel said this: if I were sitting in that seat and I had a shot at the Tea Party, I’d take it, too. This is a stunning admission. With this, Mr. Beckel justifies institutionalized political repression by government. It’s one thing to disagree with your opponents, call them names, rant against them as if they’re horrible, greedy people – that’s typical. One can apologize if he oversteps. Apology accepted. It’s another to advocate, support, or justify...

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No, ‘I’ Restored American Leadership

It was me – I restored American leadership! No, really! Disagree with me if you dare, but if Hillary can make that claim then so can I. So could you. So could anybody who has actually done something truly American in the last eight years. Hilarity Clinton defended her tenure at State this way: “I think we really restored American leadership in the best sense.” Yes, that’s the same tenure that began with the Russian Reset and came to fruition with the Crimea Invasion! Laugh Out Loud! Well, if leadership is being wined and dined while globe-trotting, alienating your allies while sucking up to your...

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Obamacare: Not. A. Marketplace.

Democrats were in love with this idea: a benevolent government would collect a tax from each according to his ability, and allocate health-care to each according to his needs. It seemed so…fair. But once you take off the rose-colored glasses, you get mugged by the reality of history. Before long, Michelle Obama’s sweet admonishments, “We nag you because we love you,” will be forgotten. The enticements of major league athletes and movie stars will fade away. Those smiles of encouragement will disappear and will be replaced. “With what?” you may ask. With coercion! You won’t be asked – you’ll...

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This Should Mean The End of Hillary

  UPDATE 7/17/14: President Obama Jokes After Mentioning Plane Crash These two pictures, back to back, say it all: Hillary, staging her Russian Reset fantasy, belied by abject failure in Crimea’s Lenin Square. How can anyone be so naïve? How can anyone be so careless with America? How can anyone be so dismissive of the benefits of American strength? How could anyone allow America’s credibility to be so utterly destroyed? I’ll tell you how – President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton did it after Obama was elected to demonstrate that Obama was right and how he was now in control....

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The Constitution Made Me Do It

Dear Senators and Congressmen: Every day you are besieged to act on behalf “of, by and for” constituents and non-constituents, government and non-government organizations, victims and sympathizers, legal and illegal aliens, the media, and every other group imaginable. Outside the beltway, these lobbyists are known as special interest groups, because they have special interests. They all want you to do something special, either for themselves or for someone else. There is enormous pressure on you to provide for special interests. You weigh the costs versus benefits of each proposal.  You weigh the cost versus benefits of supporting each bill, and consult...

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