Author: Spike72AFA

Blind Sided Republicans

Quick. Name an offensive lineman in the NFL other than Michael Oher.   Unless you watch ESPN more than CNN you probably can’t. And if you have never seen “The Blind Side,” you are not likely too recognize Oher’s name. The reason I use the movie analogy is because most Americans understand the Constitution about as much as they understand the importance of offensive linemen in football. They know they are there, but have no idea what they do nor what would happen without the DL. While it is possible to enjoy watching football without having an understanding of the...

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The Narcissistic Society: It’s All About Me

Last weekend, two events illustrated the gulf between where America has been, and where it is heading.   The contrast between solemn Memorial Day celebrations and the bloody outrage of Elliot Rodger’s murders clearly show the line between those who live for others and those who are all about themselves. We still have many Americans, some in uniform and some not, who daily demonstrate that there are things more important than their comfort, wealth or acclaim. Teachers, first responders, military members, and parents actively do those things which help others while denying their own safety or gratification. Unfortunately, we...

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America’s News and Laws: Simply Too Much

Too much is causing a crisis which we may not survive.   There are two things which are making life in America a thin shadow of what it once was. One is inevitable and the other is a self-inflicted wound. But together too much news and too many laws are destroying our country. We have had a 24 hour news cycle since CNN arrived in 1980. Hard as it is to believe, before CNN, network news consisted primarily of two 30 minute blocks which covered all we needed to know each day. Most cities also had two daily newspapers...

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Voices that Must be Silenced

It is incredibly enervating to get up every day and know that you will be called a racist, a sexist, homophobic, xenophobic “birther” just because you believe what the Founding Fathers said.

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Shame is Good

  “Have you no shame?” These were the words addressed to Sen Joe McCarthy during his infamous anti-communist Senate hearings.   Subsequently, regardless of the merits of his allegations, Sen McCarthy was driven out of the public square and his concerns about communist infiltration of our government were dropped from the public consciousness. For all of human history, shame has been one of the most powerful emotions for driving normative behaviors. Shame has been used by Presidents, Priests and Parents to control soldiers, children and mobs. Authors as diverse as Shakespeare, Hugo, and Dostoyevsky have used shame as the central...

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