We are the Hugh Hewitt Radio Show Tribbles: those aficionados and enthusiasts of Hugh’s show. At 3 PM PT, Monday-Friday, folks from all over the US tune in via radio or stream online to hear Hugh navigate the oft-times murky waters of politics, law, literature, business, faith, and sometimes (gasp) sports. Ask any listener of the show and they will attest the show’s quality. Hugh’s fine producer, Duane Patterson, enhances the show and the Hugh-Duane repartee is fun and at times hilarious.
Hugh is, bar none, the best interviewer there is. The best. Ask the book publicists and they’ll affirm: Hugh’s interviews are top-shelf and cause movement in sales. Other than Mark Levin, Hugh is a rare commodity as a lawyer and Con-Law prof; thus he grasps and grapples with the big, Constitutional issues such that the show, while entertaining, is also extremely instructional.
Hugh graciously spars with those on the left and informs the listeners in sound, substantiated argument that can actually open minds to the common sense of a thoughtful, Conservative worldview.
Oh sure we’re biased…but have a listen and I double-dog dare you to disagree! And if you’re really smart, you’ll be eager to call yourself a tribble!
Well done, o’ Queen of the Tribbles
thanks for setting this up Princess!
Remember it all started with Hugh Hewits book “Blog”
Thanks for reading! You should sign up to contribute. Ideally, all Tribbles should be on here…if for no other reason than it scares the heck out of Duane.
I second that, Michael!
I started listening to Hugh during the 2004 election. He speaks my language. I appreciate how he treats people on the air – with humor, but also with respect and kindness. This is also how I see him off the air as well. It is such a privilege to know him.
That sums it up perfectly, TamiJ. I am proud to be a Tribble and faithful listener to the best interviewer there is.
And the Tribbles are grateful for your service and so glad to count you as one of us!
I was listening on and off from 2003 on. I couldn’t listen all the time because I worked during those hours. And he sounds on air like the honorable man that people describe who have met him in person. Hugh truly is the best interviewer on the radio, no one else even comes close.
Hugh is absolutely the same man in person: he treats each person he meets with innate kindness and deference.
No perhaps about it. The Hugh Hewitt radio show is the most informative, intelligent conservative talk show in the universe…also, in America :-))
Thanks Michael and Tami for this great web site.
This is a great site, im excited to be apart of it at the beginning!
We’re glad to have you here! Hope this is the beginning of something very big!
Hugh & Duane are the best! And the Hughniverse is the most unique site of its kind. Proud to be a Tribble.