Author: talkradio200

Sean Hannity Follows Up with the Obamacare Hotline Operator

On Monday, Sean Hannity called the Obamacare Hotline during his radio show.   You can hear that conversation here. Many on twitter worried that this transaction would result in the operator being fired from her job. We have since learned that Erling Davis, the woman who he spoke with on that call, was in fact fired. On Tuesday, following the call, Davis was called into HR and was dismissed because contact with the media was not allowed. Davis disputes that this was told to her during her training. Today, Hannity followed up by having Davis call back the show and he generously offered to give her what would be a year’s salary, which would be $26,000. To prevent that money from being taxed, he plans to give $13,000 to her and the other $13,000 to one of her two children. He makes it clear that he was only making the call for information purposes and that Davis should not have to pay a price for her doing her job. In addition, Hannity has put out notice to restaurants in Panama City, Florida (where Davis lives) to see if she can get a better job to replace the one she lost. Listen to the call:   (h/t Real Clear...

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What Happened When Sean Hannity Called the Obamacare Hotline

On the Monday edition of his radio show, Sean Hannity called the Obamacare hotline.   Since President Obama had given out the number during his presser in the Rose Garden earlier in the day, it seemed like a good idea. He managed to get through to a representative named Erling Davis. After a few minutes of talking about the ‘glitches’ on the Obamacare web site, Hannity veered off and the conversation went into subjects such as her living in Panama City, Florida, the fact that she doesn’t vote, her lack of knowledge of certain talk radio hosts, and the differences in weather in Panama City and New York. He even got her to read the script they are given on air: “Thanks for your interest in the health insurance marketplace. We are having a lot of visitors trying to use our website right now. This is causing some glitches for some people trying to create an account or log in. Keep trying and thanks for your patience. You might have better success during off-peak hours like later at night or early in the morning. We’ll continue working to improve the site so you can get covered.” (And that’s it.) Erling admitted that there are scripts for everything: they have to type in keywords and then the script comes up for them to read to the consumers. The conversation then...

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The Surrender Caucus Strikes Again

After a sixteen-day government “shutdown,” the Senate has struck a deal that passed both houses of Congress to “re-open” the government, increase the debt ceiling, fund Obamacare, and display what a bunch of pathetic cheese-eating, surrender monkeys our so-called Republican leadership are. It’s bad enough the Republicans came out of this without any changes to Obamacare. To make matters worse, this deal also manages to surrender the power of the debt ceiling. Kerry Picket at Breitbart reported on Capitol Hill buzz on this and Politico has confirmed it:  The legislation also includes a McConnell-written proposal that would allow Congress...

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Greg Gutfeld at the Defending the American Dream Summit

Recently, Americans for Prosperity hosted their annual “Defending the American Dream” Summit in Orlando, Florida.   Greg Gutfeld of Red Eye and The Five knocked it out of the park as usual. The bulk of his speech was about the times he was fired over the years. His tribute to work, and why people need work, is phenomenal. Everyone should hear Gutfeld’s speech, because the idea of work is now-a-days held in contempt in too many corners of our society. America has a record number of people who think they shouldn’t have to work…and that is killing our country. And now, a man who needs no...

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The Liberty Amendments

On Friday, August 16, Sean Hannity devoted his entire hour on Fox News to Mark Levin’s latest book The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic. Sean and a studio audience went through the 11 amendments that Levin proposes to restore power to the people and shrink the leviathan of the federal government.   You can watch the hour below and purchase The Liberty Amendments:   (h/t Steven...

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