Hillsdale College adds another amazing online learning tool: The Constitution Reader Online


Last year Hillsdale began superb and free instruction with Constitution 101, a brilliant video series of lectures streaming live and also available on demand in the archives. This class was so well received, it was subsequently followed by Constitution 201 this year. Larry Arnn, Hillsdale’s president, seems to have a great vision of deepening Americans’ knowledge of and familiarity with our founding documents, and to this end offers one more interactive, online tool. Listen to Dr. Arnn’s message concerning the vital importance of The Constitution:


“…we were born in the cause of abolition and in the love of freedom and equality under the principles of The Declaration of Independence”

Hillsdale’s Constitutional Reader fully integrates the Constitution video classes with a completely interactive, searchable U.S. Constitution, and adds:

  • An illustrated Timeline of American constitutional history.
  • The key Debates between the Founders, the Progressives, and others.
  • A database of Quotes drawn from the Reader.
  • The Topics that are most important to understanding American government.

constitutionreaderOnce again Larry Arnn and Hillsdale offer a priceless resource for only the cost of time, leaving US citizens no excuse to be ignorant of the first principles and founding documents that define and uphold our Republic and our liberty.

I implore everyone to take full advantage of the video courses in conjunction with The Constitutional Reader: this is a splendid opportunity to truly know The Constitution, a second chance to fully grasp the founders’ vision of a Republic replete with individual liberty and responsibility.